Britain can meet power supply, demand this winter even with Brexit-National Grid

Thứ sáu, 11/10/2019 | 15:30 GMT+7
National Grid expects total winter gas demand to be 52.3 billion cubic metres, slightly higher than last year.
Britain can meet power supply, demand this winter even with Brexit-National Grid
Britain can meet power supply, demand this winter even with Brexit-National Grid

Britain will be able to meet power and gas demand this winter, even in the event of a departure from the European Union, National Grid said in its 2019/20 winter outlook report on Thursday.
National Grid expects total winter gas demand to be 52.3 billion cubic metres, slightly higher than last year.
The so-called de-rated margin, or surplus power margin, is forecast at 7.8 gigawatts (GW), 0.7 GW more than the forecasted margin of winter 2018/19.
"We anticipate no additional adequacy or operability challenges for the coming winter as a result of the UK's planned exit from the EU," the grid operator said in the report.
Energy world