British Prime Minister to announce 78% emissions cut by 2035

Thứ ba, 20/4/2021 | 14:50 GMT+7
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to push climate commitments forward nearly 15 years earlier than previously planned.
British Prime Minister to announce 78% emissions cut by 2035. Image: Shutterstock
Boris Johnson is set to announce more aggressive climate targets that could see the UK cut carbon dioxide emissions by 78% by 2035 from 1990 levels.
If confirmed, the plan could set out measures that could help the country achieve this target almost 15 years earlier than previously planned.
The new climate law, which is expected to be outlined by the Prime Minister in the coming days, ahead of the US climate summit in Washington, will reportedly be extended to include emissions generated by international aviation and shipping.
Under the new UK targets, households will need to shrink more drastically their carbon footprint by being much better insulated, using low carbon heating and more renewable electricity.
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