Chandigarh: Work starts on Smart Grid

Thứ tư, 24/10/2018 | 15:07 GMT+7
Superintending engineer MP Singh said the department had hired Analogics company for Rs 28 crore to carry out the work in four to six months.

Chandigarh: Work starts on Smart Grid
Chandigarh: Work starts on Smart Grid

At last, the UT electricity department has starting working on the Smart Grid project. In the first phase, it has allotted the work for installing 30,000 smart meters in four sectors (29, 31, 47, and 48), six villages (Faida, Ram Darbar, Hallomajra, Raipur Kalan, Makhanmajra, and Daria), and the Industrial Area. These will replace older meters.
Superintending engineer MP Singh said the department had hired Analogics company for Rs 28 crore to carry out the work in four to six months. The department will build a control room in Sector 18 to monitor all consumers. A UT official said: “The smart meters will reduce the problem of tampering to zero. In case of tripping of the main line, an instant alert will go to the control room. The new system will be beneficial to the department as well as the consumers.”
Chandigarh: Work starts on Smart Grid.
Chandigarh: Work starts on Smart Grid

Recently, the National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) had approved the UT’s smart grid detailed project report (DPR). The Centre agreed to bear 30 per cent of the cost. The mission’s technical committee had cleared the project already. The smart system will help people track their power consumption online and manage it, while the electricity department will be able to measure the load, voltage, outage, peak-hour demand, and consumption across the city.
After the DPR was found fit, the electricity department started working on smart meters and advanced metering infrastructure for all consumers. It also started preparing for data centre, disaster recovery centre, GIS mapping, metering-billingcollection software, sub-station automation system (SAS), and integration of rooftop solar energy plants through net metering and distribution transformer monitoring unit.
Energy world