EDP funds solar projects in five African countries

Thứ hai, 26/7/2021 | 16:56 GMT+7
The funding is provided through the A2E fund and will support projects in Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Malawi.
Image: Shutterstock.
Portuguese utility EDP has announced €500,000 (£429k) of funding for seven solar projects in five African countries.
The funding is provided through the Access to Energy (A2E) fund and will support projects in Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Malawi.
EDP claims the projects will provide refrigeration systems for local markets, enable the electrification of schools and health centres and make the desalination of water more sustainable – all powered by solar energy.
It has stated the projects could benefit more than 30,000 people in poverty-stricken areas.
The new funding continues the work that A2E has funded since 2018, in which time €1 million (£859k) has contributed to 13 projects, improving the lives of 65,000 local people.
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