According to the HCM City Power Corporation (EVN HCMC), due to prolonged hot weather, the City's electricity consumption in early April has continuously increased and surpassed the peak of 2023.

From April 3 to April 5, daily electricity consumption reached from 95 to nearly 97 million kWh. Meanwhile, the highest daily electricity consumption of 2023 was 94.8 million (May 6).
It is forecast that in the coming days of April, temperatures in the City and the Southern region will continue to be hot and sunny. The average temperature is about 36 - 38 degrees Celsius, and the actual outdoor temperature sometimes reaches 40 - 41 degrees Celsius.
The number of sunny hours a day has also increased, so electricity consumption may continue to grow, and is forecast to increase by 30-40 per cent compared to March.
Bùi Trung Kiên, a deputy of EVN HCMC, said that prolonged hot weather has led people to use more cooling equipment such as air conditioners. This has led to increased electricity consuption.
In order to reduce electricity consumption, he recommended that people clean their air conditioners at least every three months. Cleaning the air conditioner regularly not only effectively saves electricity but also increases the life of the machine, Kiên said.
People should also only set the air conditioner temperature around 26 degrees Celsius, because if the temperature is set too low, it will cause excess electricity consumption.
In addition, EVN HCMC continues to call on people to use electricity effectively such as turning off electrical appliances when leaving a room, only using air conditioning when absolutely necessary and prioritising the purchase of cooling equipment with electricity saving functions.
Source: VietNamNews