EVN to increase cashless payments for power bills

Thứ sáu, 28/2/2020 | 15:29 GMT+7
Electricity of Việt Nam (EVN) will promote cashless payments to reach the goal of 75 per cent of customers paying their bills digitally by 2025.
Staffs of EVN in Phú Thọ Province instruct customers on how to pay power bills via cashless channels. - Photo icon.com.vn
EVN said that online payments for power bills were very simple and convenient for both customers and EVN, helping save time and costs. Cashless payments also contributed significantly to improving the transparency of payment activities and increasing efficiency in management.
EVN targeted that by the end of this year, about 50 per cent of its customers would pay their bills through cashless payment channels, from 46.54 per cent in 2019.
About 87 per cent of the total value of electricity bills were collected via cashless channels in 2019.
Since 2013, EVN promoted cashless payment nationwide through enhancing cooperation with banks and payment intermediaries to establish a diversification of cashless payment channels for its customers.
Now, all electricity services of EVN were conducted online and connected to the national public service portal.
EVN was also hastening the digitalisation of its business and services with an aim to improve quality and customer care.
EVN targeted that all transactions with customers would be conducted electronically by 2025.  