HCM City to strictly manage delivery of goods

Thứ sáu, 3/4/2020 | 15:27 GMT+7
The HCM City Department of Health on March 31 instructed relevant agencies and local authorities to strictly manage delivery of goods by restaurants, food stores and supermarkets.
Việt Nam Electricity (EVN) has asked the Prime Minister and relevant ministries to approve exemption or reduction in charges for energy use for some people in the country affected by COVID- 19. — VNA/VNS Photo Ngọc Hà
Speaking during an online meeting with the city's Steering Board for COVID-19 Prevention and Control held on March 31, Nguyễn Tấn Bỉnh, the head of the department, said that companies must keep a record of where and to whom they are delivering goods. 
These records will help identify anyone who has had contact with people at a high risk of contracting COVID-19 and will help speed up quarantine, if needed, Bỉnh said.
Phạm Khánh Phong Lan, head of the city's Food Safety and Hygiene Management Authority, has instructed people’s committees in all 24 districts to inform food trade establishments, enterprises and individuals delivering goods about the need to carry out to preventive measures such as wearing masks and washing hands with sanitisers. 
Buyers must keep at least two metres from others while standing in queues or receiving goods from delivery people, Lan said.  
Free accommodation, water
Nguyễn Thị Huỳnh Mai, the department’s chief of the secretariat, said that nearly 80 doctors and nurses who are examining and treating COVID-19 patients at HCM City hospitals will be staying free at a hotel run by TTC Hospitality after their working shift every day to ensure safety for their family. 
They will also receive free meals and other services at hotels thanks to the sponsorship of Orient Commercial Bank.
Meanwhile, Sài Gòn Water Corporation will not charge for water use at disadvantaged households and quarantine areas for three months. 
Việt Nam Electricity (EVN) has asked the Prime Minister and relevant ministries to approve exemption or reduction in charges for energy use by certain people in the country affected by COVID-19. 
EVN in HCM City is maintaining its operation and repair services. Customers can contact EVN through its website and customer care app as well as its website https://dichvucong.gov.vn if they have a problem relating to electricity. 