Laos, Myanmar beef up bilateral cooperation

Thứ năm, 18/1/2018 | 15:05 GMT+7
Laos and Myanmar have signed three memorandums of understanding on cooperation in electricity, science-technology, and anti-corruption.
Illustrative image (Source: KPL)
The signing ceremony took place on January 15, witnessed by Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith, who began his official visit to Myanmar earlier the same day. 
As part of these pacts, the two countries are mulling a power agreement to allow Myanmar to purchase about 100-200 MW of electricity from Laos. Final decision will be made depend on results of their feasibility study. Laos currently sells only 4-5 MW of electricity to Myanmar.
Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith’s ongoing tour is the first visit of a Lao leader to Myanmar since the trip made by President Bounnhang Vorachith in August 2016.
The PM held talks with Myanmar President U Htin Kyaw to discuss measures to boost bilateral socio-economic cooperation and joint work within the framework of ASEAN.
The Lao leader also had a meeting with Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi. They exchanged views on ways to step up collaboration in economics – trade, tourism, transport, education, electricity-energy, anti-human trafficking and anti-drug abuse along the Laos-Myanmar shared border.
Laos and Myanmar share a 230-km borderline. The two countries established diplomatic relations in July 1955, with both countries joining the ASEAN in 1997.