Laos to sell electricity to Singapore

Thứ tư, 14/1/2015 | 09:55 GMT+7
A plan, on which Laos will sell electricity to Singapore via power transmission networks of Thailand and Malaysia, was discussed thoroughly among countries involved in Vientiane, Laos, on January 13. 
At the meeting, the four nations agreed that it is a feasible plan as their grids have been connected to each other, whilst Malaysia gave its commitment to taking care of the technical work. 
They also focused on the financial possibilities of the joint project as well as related official procedures and regulations. 
Outcomes of their discussion will be submitted to a ministerial meeting, which is part of the ASEAN Energy Ministers' Meeting (AEMM) in Malaysia at the end of the year. 
In recent years, electricity has become one of Laos’ major income earners, with its revenue from October 2013 to September 2014 hitting 880.9 million USD, including an export turnover of 535 million USD. 
Laos is selling electricity to Thailand at 7 cent per kWh while in Singapore, electricity currently costs 20 cent per kWh