Rooftop solar power expected to reach 2,000MW by 2020

Thứ tư, 28/8/2019 | 15:25 GMT+7
The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) anticipated thatthe capacity of rooftop solar power will reachapproximately 2,000 MW by the end of 2020,contributing to ensuring power security.
A new rooftop solar power system installed in Hanoi. (Photo: VGP)
According to the EVN, more than 4,000 households have installed rooftop solar power systems over the past three months with a total capacity of 200MW. The EVN estimated that an additional 300MW of rooftop solar power will be generated by the end of 2019.
In the context of exhausted traditional power sources, the development of renewable energy, including rooftop solar power is significant to ensuring national power security.
Vietnam had 89 wind power and solar power plants with a combined capacity of 5,038MW by June 2019, accounting for 9.5% of the nation’s total power capacity.
It is expected that about 1,000 MW of renewable energy will be connected to the national grid by the end of 2019, helping to ease power shortages.
At a recent Vietnam energy forum 2019, EVN Deputy General Director Vo Quang Lam said that developing rooftop solar power is an effective solution to reducingtransmission costs and pressure of prices as well as anincrease of energy usage efficiency.
Vietnam is applying a feed-in-tariff rate at 9.35 US cents per kWh for rooftop solar power which will be maintained until 2021 to encourage the sustainable development of solar power.
Vietnam’s Central and Southern regions are evaluated tohave great potential for rooftop solar power with solarradiation of 4.2 - 4.8 kWh/m2/day.
Experts said that with policies in support of thedevelopment of renewable energy and great potential, the goal of installing 100,000 rooftop solar power systems by the end of 2025 is reachable.
Source: Nhandan