BEE to Andhra Pradesh: Save more power for growth

Thứ hai, 19/8/2019 | 16:19 GMT+7
This will help AP, which is emerging as an industrial hub, to play a pivotal role in the industrial sector, especially in MSME sector.
BEE to Andhra Pradesh: Save more power for growth
Illustrative image (Source: Internet)
The bureau of energy efficiency (BEE) has urged the state energy department to take part in capacity building in energy-efficient technologies. 
This will help AP, which is emerging as an industrial hub, to play a pivotal role in the industrial sector, especially in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector, said BEE in a statement on Sunday.
In a communication to state energy secretary Nagulapalli Srikant, through Andhra Pradesh state energy conservation mission (APSECM), the director general of BEE Abhay Bhakre said that 40% of the total energy produced in the country is utilised by the industrial sector. The energy consumption is expected to reach 443.4 Mtoe (million tonne of oil equivalent) by 2031 as against the present consumption of 347 Mtoe in industrial sector alone, he said.
Bhakre observed that by implementing Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme, 165 Mtoe energy can be saved by 2031 which is an equivalent of Rs 1.8 lakh crore. The cycle-I of PAT, implemented between 2012 and 2015, has been a success in saving 8.67 Mtoe energy, which is worth Rs 9,500 crore. PAT cycle -II is expected to save 17.5 Mtoe of energy with reduction of 60 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and Rs 19,100 crore worth in monetary savings.
Replying to the BEE, Srikant in a press release stated that the state government has made supplying cost-effective energy a priority and it will help improve the potential of industrial development and overall economic development. The government also considers energy as one of the major components for industrial development with land and water. The state will only be able to compete with other states in attracting industries when it offers electricity at an affordable price and energy efficiency would help achieve the target, he said.
Srikant further directed the joint managing directors of APTransco, CMDs of APEPDCL and APSPDCL to coordinate and implement energy-efficient activities in all areas.
Energy world