BREWPV will invest in 3 wind power projects in Lang Son.
Recently, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu - Chairman of Lang Son Provincial People's Committee (PPC) chaired a meeting with BREWPV on the preparation of investment in wind power projects in the provincial territory.
At the meeting, Mr. Daniel Gaefke, General Director of Asia - Pacific region of BREWPV shared that, after receiving approval from the Provincial People's Committee for the Company to conduct surveys, research and supplement to the Power Development Planning (PDP) 3 wind power projects in Chi Lang, Loc Binh, Cao Loc and Van Quan districts, the Company has implemented the prescribed procedures since the third quarter of 2020 and from June 2021 to June 2022 carried out wind measurements in 3 project areas.
According to wind measurement data, it is shown that the average wind speed in Cao Loc is 6.6m/s/12 months, in Loc Binh - 5.9m/s/12months, in Van Quan - 6.4m/s/12 months. Although the above data are lower than expected but they still feasible to invest in the projects.
Mr. Daniel Gaefke wishes Lang Son province to create conditions for the Company to continuously install the additional equipment and operate 3 wind measuring columns in Cao Loc, Van Quan and Loc Binh until July 31, 2023 to obtain the accurate data for the technical design and allocate the wind turbines; to guide the Company to prepare and complete the investment procedures and to inform the Company about the status of forests and land data. At the same time, the Company also wishes to accompany Lang Son enterprises for developing suitable and high standard auxiliary industrial products.
Mr. Ho Tien Thieu welcomed BREWPV Company to come Lang Son for learning about, research investment in wind power projects in the province. He emphasized that Lang Son is deploying the socio-economic development, exploiting the strong potential for improving life standard of the people.
In recent time, many investors arrived at Lang Son to survey, research investment in wind power projects with an abundant potential in Lang Son, among them BREWPV was the most early company in wind power development. The Chairman of Lang Son PPC trusted that with such a vanguard step, BREWVP should win according to the planed target.
On its side, Lang Son PPC guided provincial departments, agencies and relevant localities to instruct and support the company in implementing surveys, research and establish proposal to Ministry of Industry and Trade for supplementing three above wind power projects to PDP.
The Lang Son PPC Chairman highly appraised BREWVP in implementing professional, specific, close to provincial reality for deploying the projects and also carrying out a number of the social activities in Lang Son.
Regarding proposals of the Company, Lang Son PPC agrees with the additional installation of wind measurement equipment and providing accurate and consistent data about forests and land of the province. Lang Son PPC also asks relevant departments, agencies to coordinate, support and introduce company in implementing the process of granting investment policies.