China: Successfully constructs power network’s automatic security control system

Thứ tư, 14/11/2007 | 00:00 GMT+7
China has recently put the power network’s automatic security control system into practice in Giang To province. The system is capable of impeding and controlling the power network’s incidents with the speed calculated in seconds.
The project marks a significant milestone of advancement of China’s power sector in improving the capability to inhibit and overcome power network’s incidents, guaranteeing electrical security in socio-economic life.

Being aware of the importance and urgency of preventing electrical incidents, the Power Company in Giang To province (China) officially ran the project on power network’s technique investigating and security controlling in 2005.After 3 years of researching, the company has successfully construct the security controlling system for power network with 4 main parts, including central substation, server restraining substation, subordinate restraining substation and operation substation. The system comprises of more than 1,000 points of promptly collecting data on the power network. When there are problems, the system will immediately calculate and analyze the situation based on thousands of operational data of the power network, and then automatically adjust the operating method, impeding the extension of the occurrences.

In fact, after the experiment of this system in June 2007, Giang To Power Company has created a number of mock incidents to check the functions of the system. The result is optimistic because the system analyzes and deals with the problems with a high speed calculated in seconds, preventing the rising occurrences. As evaluated by experts in China Science Institute, power network’s automatic security control system of Giang To province has reached the international standard in terms of the capability of inhibiting power network’s problems in large scale.
From VOV.