EVN will provide maximum support for rooftop solar investors

Thứ hai, 15/6/2020 | 10:14 GMT+7
At the meeting on June 11, 2020 with the Power Corporations, Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan, the General Director of Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) affirmed the viewpoint of EVN as "creating condition for maximum support to encourage investors in developing rooftop solar power Systems (RSPSs)".

Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan chaired the meeting
According to Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan, it is necessary to focus on removing the difficulties and obstacles to promote developing RSPSs. EVN will create favorable conditions for developing solar power projects in an appropriate and effective manner, suitable for the grid capability to release power.
Mr. Nhan required EVN professional boards and power corporations to study the grid capabilities to release power in areas and bring out technical guidelines and standards for investors to consider appropriate investment positions and scales, and select suitable technologies.
The EVN professional boards also need to promulgate specific guidelines for implementing RSPSs to the power companies with an unified viewpoint of EVN as clear, open and transparent working manner. In the process of contacting customers, Electricity employees must show the discriminatory attitude, listening to and supporting customers in developing RSPSs.
According to the report of the EVN Business Board, as of June 7, 2020, there were more than 31,100 of rooftop solar power systems across the country, with a total installed capacity of more than 640 MWp, electricity generation of more than 145 million kWh and the total money amount of 300 billion VND that EVN has paid to customers.
In the process of developing RSPS, a number of problems have arisen, such as there in some provinces and cities are a number of solar power projects with a capacity of less than 1 MW, connected into a power grid of ≤ 35 kV including PV panels installed on a bracket system (without roof) placed on the ground or the solar power projects connected to the grid of ≤ 35 kV, with a small part of PV panels installed on the roof, and most of the remaining PV panels installed on the land.
Besides, there are also the cases where PV panels are installed on the rooftops of the workshops and warehouses in the industrial park and the customers sell solar electricity to EVN through the 110 kV transformer substation by that customer buys EVN electricity.
According to Clauses 5 and 6, Article 3 of Decision 13/2020 / QD-TTg, the above projects are called grid-connected solar power systems but the rooftop solar power ones.
Also according to the provisions of Clauses 1, 3 and 4, Article 5 of this decision, only the grid-connected projects having been decided for investment policy by competent agencies before November 23, 2019 or already included in the power development planning at all levels and with commercial operation date in the period from July 1, 2019 to the end of December 31, 2020 can apply grid-connected solar power price according to Decision 13/2020 / QD- TTg, for the remaining grid-connected solar power projects, the electricity price should be defined through the competition mechanism. Therefore, for the above mentioned solar power projects with the capacity of less than 1 MW the electricity price has not yet been identified.
EVN asks the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) to consider solar power projects with capacity of less than 1 MW in the above cases as rooftop solar power systems to encourage all economic backgrounds to invest in developing solar power projects.
In addition, a number of RSPS investors who signed power purchase agreements with EVN before June 30, 2019, now they have the need to increase the capacity of the project, for those projects it is also difficult to define electricity purchase price for EVN.
To ensure proper implementation of the solar power purchase prices in each period under the Prime Minister's Decisions, EVN asks MOIT allowing EVN to apply the electricity purchase price for the respective electricity generated to the grid in proportion to the installed capacity before and after June 30, 2019.
At the same time, to supplement the sanctions to penalize RSPS investors to increase the project capacity without notifying EVN as: penalizing due to violating the contract, refunding the money by EVN overpayment,unilateral contract termination.