Operating in Ca mau power plan
Pursuant to the Document, the contract is signed conforming to several principles: 7.5% of return on capital of Ca Mau’s power plants will be the rate for identifying tariff. Operation cost and maintenance cost are complied with maintenance contract ratified by authorities, and initially, with equivalent costs to those of Phu My No.2.2 power project.
Real expenses derived at single circle’s operation time increase much more than that of the contract draft as well as the expense difference resulted from using DO oil for single circle operation. As concerned, after being audited, they will be identified by PV on the basis that 50% of real derived expenses is calculated to operation expense, and materials cost included in electricity tariff which Ca Mau power company sells to EVN, and the other half will be calculated to PV’s after-tax income. Gas price sold to Ca Mau power plants is complied with the sales contract of gas in PM3 plot which is signed between PV and other contractors, adding allowable transportation expenses from PM3 plot to Ca Mau power plants.
Before that, Ca Mau power plant offered a price of 4.54 cent/ kWh (about VND 720). However, EVN revealed that as households’ tariff currently averages at 842 VND/kWh, it is hard to buy power at the price of 720 VND/kWh because after adding power transmission, distribution expenses and power losses of 280 VND/kWh, the tariff will mount to 1,000 VND/kWh.
Therefore, although Ca Mau power plant has commercially generated power to the country’s power network, they must sign a provisional contract as EVN and PV have not reached an agreement on electricity tariff.
Nguyen Kim Anh