HCM City targets 1,000 MWp of rooftop solar power at IZs by 2024

Thứ năm, 25/6/2020 | 10:49 GMT+7
Ho Chi Minh City aims to have 1,000 MWp of rooftop solar power capacity installed by 2024 in its industrial parks, export processing zones and high-tech parks, up from 700MWp now.
Ho Chi Minh City develops rooftop solar power.

Ho Chi Minh City aims to have 1,000 MWp of rooftop solar power capacity installed by 2024 in its industrial parks, export processing zones and high-tech parks, up from 700MWp now.
To meet the goal, the HCM City Export Processing Zones and Industrial Parks Authority (Hepza), Hepza Business Association (HBA) and Electricity of HCM City (EVN) launched a programme in the zones on June 19 to encourage businesses to participate.
Nguyen Van Be, Chairman of the HBA, said more than 1,000 factories in the city’s numerous industrial zones have signed up to install solar rooftop energy with BCG Energy, a subsidiary of Bamboo Capital Group.
The city has 17 IPs and EPZs with a total area of more than 4100ha where rooftop solar can be installed on 500-1000ha.
Installing solar panels on their roof would also enable the factories to reduce the temperatures inside by 4-5 degrees Celsius, Be said.
The association said 1000MWp of solar power would mean a cut in carbon emissions of 23 million tonnes.
Participating businesses would get technical and financial advice, add to their brand value, increase competitiveness, and could sell solar power to EVN HCM City, Be said.
Nguyen Le Tan, Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Industry and Trade, said the national grid was under increasing pressure to ensure supply of electricity.
Since traditional sources such as thermal power affect the environment, renewable energy including rooftop solar would be one of the solutions to reduce the pressure, he added.
Be said solar rooftop might hold the answer to the country’s energy shortage in future and cutting carbon emissions.
Bui Trung Kien, Deputy Director of EVN HCMC, said amid climate change Vietnam also faced the problem of finding new sources of energy.
Green and clean renewable energy could gradually replace traditional sources, and so rooftop solar is supported by businesses, he said.
EVN HCMC would introduce popular rooftop solar models and brands to them and provide technological and technical support, he said.
Source: Vietnam plus