Indonesia to add 41,000 MW of electrical power in 10 years

Thứ năm, 3/6/2021 | 17:14 GMT+7
Indonesia is planning to build power plants with a capacity of up to 41,000 MW in the next decade, according to a draft of the state electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)'s electricity procurement plan (RUPTL) for the 2021-2030 period.
According to the national news agency Antara, Director General of Electricity at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Rida Mulyana said in a statement on May 29 that the government assured that the plan will prioritize new and renewable energy-based power plants.
This year, the government has targeted an addition of 8,915 MW comprising 4,688 MW from mine-mouth power plants, 3,467 MW from gas-fired power plants, 22 megawatts from diesel power plants, and 737 megawatts from new and renewable energy-based power plants, he said.
In drafting the RUPTL for the next decade, the government will still give priority to the development of fossil fuel power plants over new and renewable energy-based ones, with a 52 percent – 48 percent ratio.
According to the regulation, the RUPTL is drawn up every decade and will be subject to a change if it needs revision based on the result of evaluation.