Laos intends to set up two nuclear facilities with Rosatom assistance

Thứ ba, 22/9/2015 | 13:47 GMT+7
Laos is in talks with Russian State atomic energy corporation Rosatom to set up nuclear power plants (NPPs) in the country.
The Southeast Asian country, one of the global leaders for hydropower, intends to set up two nuclear power units of VVER-type, with a capacity of 1000MW-1200MW each.
Laos is located at the centre of Indo-China, an advantageous position to export power to adjacent nations, including Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.
According to Laos Energy and Mines deputy minister Sinava Souphanouvong, a potential buyer of nuclear power from the country is Singapore.
The planned facilities are likely to be built under the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) approach.
Souphanouvong said: "The construction of the NPPs under the BOT approach is a good offer."
Laos presently has a power production capacity of 8GW. Over 80 new power projects are under construction in the country, which is likely to raise its capacity to nearly 22GW.
The firm has already signed an agreement to supply up to 5GW of power to Vietnam. Energy export from the country to Thailand is expected to go up to 10GW.
Energy outputs from the planned nuclear power generating facilities are thus likely to be exported as well.
Rosatom, a global leader for nuclear technology, operates 26.3GW of nuclear energy capacity in Russia. It is presently responsible for 38 nuclear power reactors, of which 29 are being set up in foreign countries including India, China, Turkey, Vietnam, Finland, and Hungary.

"The construction of the NPPs under the BOT approach is a good offer."
