World Bank finds 'over 15TW offshore potential'

Thứ sáu, 22/5/2020 | 09:09 GMT+7
More than 40 emerging markets analysed showing opportunties for both fixed and floating technologies.

 Offshore Wind.
Research by the World Bank estimates potential offshore wind development in emerging markets at over 15TW.
The bank has published analysis of over 40 countries in the form of maps outlining total, fixed-bottom and floating capacity potentials.
It estimates total capacity potential in the countries at around 15.5TW, with fixed-bottom representing 5.5TW and floating over 10TW.
China has the greatest potential with 2982GW, of which fixed is 1400GW and floating 1582TW.
Other countries covered by the World Bank analysis that offer opportunities for large-scale offshore development are Argentina and Brazil.
Argentina's total potential is 1870GW, split between 1312GW floating wind and 558GW fixed-bottom projects.
Brazil has opportunities for 1228GW in total, with 748GW floating and 480GW fixed.
Other countries with large potentials include South Africa, Chile, Mexico, Namibia and Vietnam, according to the analysis.