Buon Kuop Hydropower Project is the one belonging to Sprepok river’s cascade hydroelectric which consists of 6 hydropower plants namely Duc Xuyen (58MW), Buon Tua Srah (86MW), Buon Kuop (280MW), Dray Hling (28MW), Sprepok 3 (70MW), and Sprepok 4 (33MW). This is one of the constructions which are carried out in accordance with the special mechanism of the Government, invested by the Electricity of Vietnam with the total capital up to VND 5,000 billion, and designed by Power Consulting Company No.2. The entire progress rate will last from December 2003 to April 30, 2009, a special occasion. When completing, the company will provide the national power network with the average power output of about 1.4 billion kWh/year. Apart from that, the construction is also in charge of conditioning the water resource, supplying irrigation water for lowlands; helping regional citizens settling down, creating sight-seeing, developing transportation and seafood industry.
The Project Management Board of Buon Kuop – Vinaconex revealed that after nearly 4 years of constructing, as the general contractor taking the responsibilities of constructing the water supply tunnel - penstock, surge tank with the installation value of about VND 1,200 billion,Vinaconex has closely collaborated with the investor, consulting company and contractors including Truong Son Construction Company, Construction Company No.1, Vietnam Machinery Installation Company (Lilama) and Contrexim Holdings Company to solve the problems involving mechanism, policies, difficulties of hydrological geology, and to formulate solutions that reasonably connect construction and installation with each other like barrage-type spillways, water supply tunnel, hydropower plants, etc. As a result, Vinaconex will be able to achieve the objectives of progress rate. Especially, in this year, the construction site has finished the Sprepok river closure on February 8 and the flood prevention in 2007.
To say more about the attempt of Vinaconex in the constructing process of the water supply tunnel and penstock with the total length of 9,889 m, the company has mobilized the workforce, machines, equipments, and implemented the strategy of digging excavation pit and access tunnel. At the same time, the company has cooperated with relevant units to handle geological condition which was considered the worst among implemented ones. In the constructing process, Vinaconex has respectively accomplished the targets of digging and strengthening the main tunnel. On November 25, 2007, Vinaconex held the Opening Ceremony for the water supply tunnel No.1 in K6+65 station, switching to the period of constructing the tunnel lining and vertical shaft with an aim to catch up with the progress of power generation.
At present, the construction site is in the period of the ultimate constructing process, especially speeding up the progress rate of power plants and water supply tunnel so that the unit 1 (140MW) can generate on November 30, 2008 and the unit 2 (140MW) on January 31, 2009.