Competitive wholesale power market design approved

Thứ hai, 17/8/2015 | 14:29 GMT+7
The Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued a decision approving a detailed design for the competitive electricity wholesale market, which allows all units owning 30-megawatt (MW) power plants and above to join the market. 
Illustrative image.(Source: VNA)
According to Decision 8266/QD-BCT, under-30MW power generators can also take part in the market if they meet infrastructure demands. 
Meanwhile, build-operate-transfer projects can join the market either directly or through a representative unit from the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN). 
Imported electricity and wind, solar and geothermal generators, as well as under-30MW hydropower plants, are not designed to be involved in the market. 
Buyers will be grouped into five corporations – Northern, Southern and Central Region; Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporations. 
The roadmap for the implementation of the competitive electricity wholesale market consists of four periods with initial pilot operation period beginning on 2016. Official launching of the market is slated for 2019.