EVN SPC empowers rural southern areas

Thứ tư, 21/11/2018 | 14:39 GMT+7
The Southern Power Corporation (EVN SPC) has made greater efforts to light up rural southern areas, investing several trillion Vietnamese dong in rural power systems in 21 provinces and cities in the south. As a result, people’s living conditions have improved.

evn spc trao quyền cho các vùng nông thôn phía nam
EVN SPC empowers rural southern areas

Thanks to favorable weather conditions, EVN SPC is accelerating projects connecting remote and rural areas and islands to the grid.

The project’s second phase of supplying power from the national grid to five districts of Bac Lieu Province, including Vinh Loi, Hoa Binh, Phuoc Long, Hong Dan and Dong Hai was completed within three years. It consists of 971km of a medium-voltage transmission line and 869km of a low-voltage transmission line, and 1,119 substations with total investment capital of VND1.136 trillion.

Once the project is completed, it will secure power supply for 18,791 households of 254 hamlets in 39 communes of five districts, meeting irrigation demand of agricultural production and aquaculture for 67,749ha of agricultural land in the locality.
EVN SPC General Director Nguyen Van Hop said the corporation has deployed many power supply projects in remote areas, such as power supply to villages in Lam Dong Province, Khmer people in Soc Trang, Tra Vinh and Kien Giang provinces, and households in Phu Quoc Island.
According to EVN SPC, the corporation’s power supply mainly focuses on the southwestern region. Therefore, the construction and development of power projects have faced many difficulties.
However, with determination to empower rural and remote areas, EVN SPC has made great efforts to complete the assigned tasks.
By mid-2018, all communes, wards and towns in 21 provinces and cities in the south had gained access to a regular power supply. The number of households with access to electricity is 7.77 million, reaching 99.56 percent.
EVN SPC is cooperating with local authorities to help 98 communes achieve the criteria in terms of electricity in order to be recognized as new-style rural areas. By 2017, 1,310 communes in the south met the criteria.
Source: VEN