EVN undertakes to provide the full conditions and the essential demand, from 29/8 to 18/9/07, gas Nam Côn Sơn will be ceased.

Thứ tư, 29/8/2007 | 00:00 GMT+7

Pursuant to the announcement of BP Vietnam Company No UPS-BP/OT/2007/07/0583 dated on July 31st, 2007, the plan that ceases providing gas Nam Con Son 2007 will be done the 2 stages: the first stage from July 9th, 2007 to July 15th, 2007. In this stage, EVN provided the stable power for the production and life requirements. The 2nd stage from August 29th, 2007 to September 18th, 2007.

EVN said, during the period of ceasing gas NCS, EVN undertook to provide fully power to manufacture and the esential demand during the ceasing time. Particularly, the days-off in the National Day September 2nd (from September 1st to September 3rd), the power system will be satisfied the people’s life requirements, entertainment. The remain days during the ceasing gas time, the national power system will be limited approximately 1000MW in the rush hour from 10AM to 11AM.

During the ceasing gas time NCS, Phu My Thermal Power Plant 2.2 (720 MW) will cease the entire to repair from August 31st to September 8th, 2007. Phu My Thermal Power Company 3 (720MW) ceases manufacture from September 8th to September 17th,2007. So EVN guided to supervise particularly the power system, leaded the Power Companies, Transmission Companies to do their duty 24/24 to ensure the safe and continuous power. To do their duty and supervise the transformer 500KV to deal the timely occurrence, mobilize all the entities in the power system. 

To ensure the operation of the national power safely and the source of energy to the country, EVN suggested that the Prime Minister guided the relevant Ministries, Boards to strengthen propaganda and carry out the power saving policy./.



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