EVNNPT’s President and CEO checks the progress of power transmission projects in synchronization with Vinh Tan Thermo-hydopower project and Song May group

Thứ tư, 10/4/2013 | 15:32 GMT+7
From 1st to 2nd April, 2012, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung - President and CEO of National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) led an EVNNPT’s mission to check progress ofpower transmission projects in synchronization with Vinh Tan Thermo-hydropower Plant and projects of Song May group. Participating in the mission were Mr. Tran Quoc Lam – Vice President of EVNNPT; Directors and Vice of EVNNPT’s Departments and Southern Power Project Management Board (SPMB).​

 Implementation of lines tension in tower distance of 2401-2501 of the 500 kV Vinh Tan – Song May transmission line.

The mission has checked the implementation progress of projects: 500kV Vinh Tan substation; 500kV Song May substation; 500kV Vinh Tan – Song May and Song May Tan Dinh transmission lines. These projects are in synchronization with Vinh Tan Thermo-Hydopower Projectand Song May group, under management by SPMB on behalf of EVNNPT. Their main functions are to transfer capacity of Vinh Tan and Phu My Thermo-hydropower centres to supply power to Ho Chi Minh city and the Southern provinces.

After checking the implementation status of the projects, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung has met with the subsidiaries participated in the projects including SPMB, Power Engineering Consulting Company No. 2 (PECC2) and the contractors. At the meeting, Mr. Hung has listened to reports made by the subsidiaries on the implementation progress of projects. He has required SPMB and contractors to mobilize sufficient labour forces, working devices to ensure the implementation progress as assigned. During the implementation, it is required to have a close cooperation with local authorities in the compensation and ground clearance, obey fully the State mechanisms, policies on compensation and ground clearance to avoid the conflicts on interests of people in the same project and timely report any constraints to EVNNPT for solutions and direction.

At the end of mission, SPMB and contractors have committed to the President and CEO to put the project into operation in accordance with the assigned progress.

Source: EVNNPT