Kien Giang PC promotes supporting customers to save electricity

Thứ sáu, 15/10/2021 | 11:20 GMT+7
Thanks to the proactive implementation and guidance, support and propaganda for customers to use electricity rationally, economically and effectively, in the first 8 months of the year, Kien Giang PC saved 36.8 million kWh, equivalent to 63.95 % in plan.
Representatives of Kien Giang PC propagates customers to use electricity efficiently (Photo: Kien Giang PC)
According to Kien Giang Power Company (Kien Giang PC), in these hot weather periods every year, the electricity consumption of people using electricity increases by 10%-50% with the remaining months, the increase in electricity consumption is equivalent to the increase in electricity costs.
To ensure the safety of the power grid and stabilize the power supply for customers in hot days, Kien Giang PC has proposed many solutions such as propaganda and advice on safe and economical electricity use for customers. For example, on hot sunny occasions, Kien Giang PC will recommend customers to take note of some solutions such as: Turn off electrical equipment when not in use; Install/use electrical equipment in a scientific and reasonable manner, making the most of wind and natural light sources; Limit the use of electrical appliances at the same time during peak hours (from 9:30 am to 11:30 am; from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm); During the day, the temperature of the air conditioner should be adjusted from 25oC or more and at night from 27 - 28oC; Using energy-saving products that have been labeled with the energy star of the Ministry of Industry and Trade…
In order to save costs, many people have actively controlled electricity consumption with many specific activities. For example, Mr. Hung's family in An Hoa Ward, Rach Gia City used the family's electrical appliances following the motto "It is necessary to turn on the switch - When not in use, turn it off". The home air conditioner is also set to 25-26oC until 2-3 am then turn off the air conditioner and turn on the fan. Therefore, with 5 people living together, using air conditioners and other cooling electrical equipment, in March, his family only had to pay about 500,000 VND for electricity consumption.
The promotion of implementation and guidance, support and propaganda to customers on efficient use of electricity helped Kien Giang PC save 36.8 million kWh of electricity in 8 months, equivalent to 63.95% in plan.
In the coming time, PC Kien Giang will continue the propaganda work to raise the awareness of saving electricity in society, to properly and effectively implement programs and activities on saving electricity.
Sounce: Vneec