Laos to export electricity to Singapore

Thứ hai, 5/10/2015 | 10:49 GMT+7
A deal through which Laos will export electricity to Singapore is set to be signed this month.

Illustrative image (Photo:

According to Lao Minister of Energy and Mines Khammany Inthirath, the deal will be signed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during the meeting of Energy Ministers of ASEAN.

The pilot scheme will see the export of 100 MW of electricity from Laos to Singapore via transmission networks of Thailand and Malaysia.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines Viraphonh Viravong said that Singapore had agreed in principle to purchase power from Laos.

According to price tariff in January last year, Laos exported electricity at a unit price of about 0.07 USD per kWh to Thailand and 0.06 USD per kWh to Vietnam and Cambodia, while the unit price in Singapore was about 0.20 USD per kWh.

In recent years electricity sale has been the main revenue earner for Laos, hitting 880.9 million USD in 2013-2014 fiscal year.