Solar power storage systems double in two years in Germany

Thứ năm, 11/6/2020 | 16:42 GMT+7
The number of solar power storage devices installed in Germany has doubled to 200,000 within two years, says the German Solar Association (BSW). 
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Solar power storage systems double in two years in Germany

Demand for solar storage systems has grown 50 percent over the past two years and the BSW expects demand to rise further in 2020 despite the economic impacts of the coronavirus. Prices for devices have halved over the last years, writes the solar association. 
At the end of 2019, around 1.8 gigawatt hours (GWh) of solar home, commercial or grid storage capacity was installed in Germany. A study conducted by EUPD Research and BSW Solar shows that this capacity would have to rise tenfold to 18 GWh by 2030 in order for Germany to reach its climate targets and compensate for fluctuations in renewable energy generation.
Germany's rapidly rising share of weather-dependent renewable energy has made the country a testbed for storage technologies. Improving power storage capacity is seen as vital to the expansion of Germany’s renewable energy sources and the planned phase-out of both nuclear and coal power.
Sounce: Clean Energy wire