Imported Power Accounts for nearly 50% of EVN’s Power Output

Chủ nhật, 23/9/2007 | 00:00 GMT+7

The CEO of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) Pham Le Thanh revealed that in this fourth quarter, EVN had calculated the growth rate at 16%, raising the total output of produced and imported power of the corporation to 67.1 billion kWh, of which the proportion bought from joint stock companies, BOT and IPP were about 33.21 billion kWh, making up nearly 50% of the total output.

In order to guarantee the power supply in 4th quarter, EVN is making full use of hydropower companies and preparing to reserve water for 2008’s dry season. Along with enlarging the power proportion imported form China through 220-110kV lines, EVN continues to put new companies like Uong Bi-expanded, Ca Mau, Quang Tri, etc. into stable operation and calculate the amount of expelled water from reserving lake Pleikrong in a reasonable way to lift up the exploiting effectiveness of Ialy , Se San No.3 and 3A hydropower companies.

Apart from that, EVN also prepares for production plan, establish operating methods for each month so as to supply the population with enough power in the dry season and provide cultivating water for Winter-Spring 2008 season. Accordingly, hydropower lakes’ water will be hoarded up to the normal level on December 31st 2007. Particularly, it is 117m for Hoa Binh lake. In parallel with assembling 220kV substation No. 2 Vinh Yen to increase the power imported from China through Lao Cai, EVN collaborates with Petro Vietnam to put Ca Mau No. 1 and VIMOCO Nhon Trach No. 1 into operation punctually, and seamlessly solves Phu My Company No. 3‘s substation problem to put into effect 360 MW with the output of 8.5 million kWh per day. On the other hand, EVN supposes one of the indispensable measures in supporting power for the economy is to implement methods of saving power strictly in accord with the Direction of the Prime Minister.

Mai Phuong.