Indonesia, France cooperate in nuclear power

Thứ sáu, 16/10/2015 | 15:45 GMT+7
Indonesia’s National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) agreed to cooperate with France in nuclear power on October 12, according to Indonesia’s news agency Antara.

Illustrative image (Source: Istimewa)

Speaking in Jakarta following the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between BATAN and France’s Subatech laboratory, BATAN Director Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto said cooperation between the two sides would focus on running a nuclear power plant and training human resources.

Indonesia is willing to cooperate with other countries to develop infrastructure for the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes and considers nuclear technology an indispensable part of socio-economic development, he said.

The partnership would also promote cooperation between the scientific circles of the two countries as well as the development of Indonesia’s nuclear power technology sector, he added.

Deputy Director of the French International Nuclear Agency Marc Ponchet said around 70 percent of electricity in France currently comes from nuclear power plants.

France has cooperated with 58 countries in this field and is willing to transfer technology to Indonesia, said Ponchet.

On the occasion, BATAN also organised a conference on nuclear technology and the use of nuclear energy to exchange information on scientific and technological advances between Indonesia and France.