NPT to meet power demand in the South

Thứ ba, 31/5/2016 | 13:52 GMT+7
Nguyễn Tuấn Tùng, deputy director of the Việt Nam National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT), talks to Vietnam News Agency about power supply for the south when summer is approaching.

Nguyễn Tuấn Tùng, deputy director of Viet Nam National Power Transmission (NPT) Corporation under Electricity of Việt Nam. — Photo
Viet Nam News
Can you talk about the power supply for the South?
Power supply for the south has yet to meet increasing demand in recent years. Many hydropower plants in the region have to reduce their power supply capacity due to prolonged and severe droughts in the central, central highlands and southern regions. To ensure power supply for the south, the 500kV line must transmit power with high capacity from north to south.
Last year, nine billion kWh was transmitted on 500kV transmission lines from the north to the central; 16.1 billion kWh was transmitted from the central to the south. This year, 13.3 billion kWh is expected to be transmitted from the north to the central, an increase of 47.8 per cent. Meanwhile, 19.2 billion kWh will be transmitted from the central to the south this year, increasing 19.3 per cent compared to last year.
What are your corporation’s plans to limit times when 500kV lines must transmit power with high capacity?
It is very difficult to avoid incidents on the 1,500km long 500kV north-south transmission line, especially high voltage safety violations caused by flying kites or burning forests.
Since late 2015, the NPT has stepped up awareness campaigns on national grid safety.
Since early this year, there have not been any violations on national grid safety on the 500kV transmission line that affected power supply.
The NPT has promoted good national grid operation and techniques and fired irresponsible operators of transmission lines while regularly checking lines.
The NPT has also prepared equipment, devices and conducted training sessions in Viet Nam and abroad to improve capacity of repairmen as well as applied advanced technology in management and operation of power transmission line.
During the dry season, the dangers of forest fire and burning forests for farming pose risks to power lines. What measures have been implemented by the NPT to deal with this?
The NPT has ordered the co-operation among security forces along the 500kV power line, local authorities and residents living near 200kV and 500kV power lines to deal with cases related to fire, land burning and impose punishments.
We signed forest fire rescue and prevention commitments with all the households and forest ranger units which have power transmission lines in their areas.
We also cut down trees to the roots and cut tree branches that might affect the power line as well as handed out flyers and found ways to approach residents living in remote areas to raise their awareness on transmission line safety.
Ensuring the operation of national grid is not only the task of the NPT but also localities. Do you have any recommendation to residents and local authorities to reduce the number of incidents?
A Governmental decree issued on February 26, 2014 directing the implementation of the Law on Electricity clarified 13 behaviors which violate high voltage power line safety.
To ensure the safety of transmission line, besides efforts made by the electricity sector, there needs to be co-operation among authorised agencies and local authorities.
Residents also must follow regulations related to power line safety and know how dangerous violations can be to their lives and properties.
The support of agencies, local authorities and awareness of the whole community will help the corporation ensure constant and safe power supply. 