3.5 bln USD for power transmission expansion over past 5 years

Thứ sáu, 26/6/2015 | 14:57 GMT+7
The National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) has completed investments worth nearly 75.3 trillion VND (3.45 billion USD), including 56.8 trillion VND of net investment (2.6 billion USD) between 2010 and 2015. 
The figure represented a 2.9-fold increase from 2008-2010 and 1.5-2 times higher than its set targets. 
The investment has allowed EVNNPT ensure a sufficient power supply to economic hubs in northern and southern Vietnam. 
Over the past five years, the corporation put 242 transmission projects into operation with more than 8,500 kilometres of power lines and substation transformers with a total power rating of 39,349 MVA. 
It has developed reliable networks of 500-kilovolt power lines in a number of locations, such as the system running from Son La through Hoa Binh, Nho Quan, Thuong Tin and Quang Ninh in the north and the system connecting Phu Lam, Cau Bong, Tan Dinh and Song May, Phu My and Nha Be in the south. 
In addition, 220-kilovolt transmission stations in Van Tri and Thanh Cong together with 220-kilovolt power lines connecting Van Tri–Soc Son, Van Tri–Chem and Ha Dong–Thanh Cong commenced operations to supply electricity for Hanoi. 
The company also constructed and renovated several other 220-kilovolt transmission stations across the country to prevent electrical overloads.-