Project on Nha Be - O Mon 500 kV line: Hands over plan soon

Thứ hai, 10/3/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7
On March 7, working with the authority of Can Tho City, Government Office and The Electricity of Vietnam required them to promptly deal with the complaints related to the project on Nha Be - O Mon 500kV line so as to hand over the construction plan in the short-term, ensuring the progress rate by the end of March 2008.

According to the Management Board of Southern power projects, the 500kV line from Cai Lay (Tien Giang) to O Mon (Can Tho) has been basically completed with about 70km. For the time being, there is approximately 1km that has not been able to be constructed due to the obstacle, that is, the site land in O Mon district.




From The Youth