Second Son La turbine to go on-line

Thứ ba, 19/4/2011 | 11:05 GMT+7
<p style="text-align: justify;">The second turbine at Son La Hydro-electric Power Plant was yesterday preparing for its first power generation next Friday, 10 days ahead of schedule.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: small;">Head of the plant's technical department, Bui Phuong Nam, said the second turbine would add power to the grid just four months after the first turbine started generating.<br /> <br /> By 2015, the Son La plant will have six turbines producing nearly 20 million kWh per day, helping ease the nation's power shortages.<br /> <br /> Nam said the plant's first turbine had generated about 1 billion kWh since the end of last year.<br /> <br /> The next goal is the completion of the remaining turbines. EVN plans to connect the third turbine into the national grid in October.<br /> <br /> Son La Hydro-electric Power Plant is the biggest of its kind in Southeast Asia. It will provide more than 10.2 billion kWh of electricity each year for the national power grid when completed in 2015.<br /> <br /> This will contribute to the socio-economic development of the whole country and the north-western region in particular.<br /> <br /> Construction of the plant started five years ago in mountainous Son La Province's Muong La District. Investment totals more than VND42 trillion (US$2 billion).<br /> </span></p> Source: Vietnam News Today