North Central hydropower plant to start supply in May

Thứ tư, 24/2/2010 | 14:22 GMT+7
The Ban Ve hydroelectric plant in the central province of Nghe An’s Tuong Duong District is expected to start supplying electricity on May 19, the plant’s Management Department said on February 22.


The second turbine weighing 450 tons was installed at the Ban Ve project on February 21.

So far the project has used 1.185 million cubic meters of concrete to build the water reservoir and other items and only needs 300 cubic meters more to complete.

Land clearance and compensation to relocate residents for the project has almost been completed.

As scheduled, the plant will operate a trial in March and officially begin generating power on May 19 from machine group No.1.

The Ban Ve hydroelectric power plant, which will be the biggest in the north central region with a designed capacity of 320 MW, started construction in August, 2004.
Source: SGGP English Edition