Cao Ngan thermo power Co fulfils the year plan two months ahead

Thứ năm, 5/11/2009 | 15:08 GMT+7
Up to the end of Oct, Thai Nguyen province-based Cao Ngan thermo Co announced to have already fulfilled the 2009 business plan, two months before the deadline.

Cao Ngan thermo power Co, under the Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industry Group (Vinacomin) reported to produce over 700 million kWh, bringing in total revenue of about 450 billion dong, an increase by 10% in comparison with that of last year.

In addition, the company has carried out the project of producing unfired Block bricks with capacity of 1 million units per year, using up to 50% of the waste ashes from thermo power plant.

It’s expected that from now up to the end of this year, Cao Ngan thermo power Co will supply additional 90 million kWh, increasing the total annual revenue to over 500 billion dong.

Source: VN Business News