Appearance of National Power Transmission Services Company (NPTS)

Thứ tư, 12/7/2017 | 10:38 GMT+7
​​On 21st June 2017, in Hanoi, National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) organized an appearance of National Power Transmission Services Company (NPTS).
EVNNPT’s Chairman of Management Board Dang Phan Tuong and Presendent and CEO Vu Ngoc Minh gave flowers congratulating NPTS’s Board of Directors and Chief Accountant.
​​Participation in the ceremony include representatives of EVNNPT: Mr. Dang Phan Tuong – Party Secretary, Chairman of Management Board; Mr. Vu Ngoc Minh – Deputy Party Secretary, President and CEO; Management Board, Board of Directors, Chairman of Trade Union; Controller; Director of Administration Department and functional Departments; Director of Party Bureau; Secretary of Youth Union; Directors of Subsidiaries.
Representatives of NPTS include Board of Directors, different divisions, leaders of 4 Technical Services Centres 1, 2, 3, 4 belonging to NPTS.
Implementing policy on restructuring power sector in general and transmission sector in particular, with acceptance by Vietnam Electricity (EVN), Management Board of EVNNPT decided to establish NPTS. The establishment of NPTS is a big policy, the results of EVNNPT’s determination in reorganization to meet demands of power sector and the country. The NPTS’s establishment has divided the services from operation in order to increase quality of operation of national power transmission system, contributing to increasing the business and production efficiency and increase labour capacity in EVNNPT.
Scope of NPTS’s activities is nation-wide. NPTS is established on the basis of reorganizing the Divisions, Departments in testing, maintenance, mechanics of Power Transmission Companies No. 1, 2. 3, 4. NPTS includes 681 employees, it was put into operation in the 1st June 2017. Its headquarters is in Hanoi, the 4 subsidiaries – Technical Services Centres 1, 2, 3, 4 located in Hanoi, Da Nang, Nha Trang and Ho Chi Minh city, respectively. NPTS has functions in providing technical services to power transmission system: Installation, testing, repair and maintenance, automation and other services; overhaul, periodical testing of equipment, testing the internal measurement system, safety devices; installation, repair, testing, setting the transmission grid equipment belonged to the new construction investment projects, improvement, upgrade, repair; installation, repair, testing, setting the automation system, telecommunication system.
Making a speech at the ceremony, Chairman of Management Board Dang Phan Tuong requested all leaders and staff of NPTS to be united, consolidate, dedicated to the tasks and mandates, determine to complete well the assigned tasks; promptly stabilize the organizational structure to come to operation; focus on management, administration, business of the Company, and that NPTS’s leaders need to strictly follow the contents of project “Establishment of National Power Technical Services Company” in order to carry out the necessary works; prepare the qualified training curricular, focusing on technical staff and formulate the skilled technical staff who can meet the international standards; formulate the mechanism on maintaining and attracting the qualified and skilled people; be active in renovation to integrate and develop in the active business environment; increase the application of new advanced technologies in the company’s activities; focus on developing, finalizing the internal regulations, rules and standards; disseminate, propagandize and implement EVNNPT’s Enterprise cultures in entire company; focusing on the tasks to year 2020 on increasing the business production efficiency and increasing labour productivity.
After NPTS put into operation, EVNNPT has 8 subsidiaries including: 4 Power Transmission Companies, 3 Projects Management Boards and National Power Technical Services Company.
National Power Technical Services Company belongs to EVNNPT, was established in accordance with Decision No. 666/QĐ-EVNNPT dated 14th April 2017 by EVNNPT’s Management Board on the basis of re-organizing the Divisions, Departments in testing, maintenance, mechanics of the Power Transmission Companies.
NPTS has its owned stamp, opens its account in banks, State treasury, operates in accordance with decentralization, assignment by EVNNPT.

1. Name:
- Full name in Vietnamese: Công ty Dịch vụ kỹ thuật truyền tải điện.
- International name: Power Transmission Service Company.
- Name in abbreviation: NPTS.
2. Headquarters: No. 1111D Hong Ha road, Chuong Duong ward, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi city.
3. Organizational structure:
a. Leaders: Director, Deputy Directors.
b. Functional Divisions:
- General Affairs Division.
- Planning and Materials Division.
- Finance and Accounting Division.
- Technical Division.
c. Subsidiaries:
- Technical Services Centre No. 1:
+ Address: No. 1111D Hong Ha road, Chuong Duong ward, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi city.
- Technical Services Centre No. 2:
+ Address: No. 309 Truong Son road, Hoa Tho Tay ward, Cam Le disrtict, Da Nang city.
- Technical Services Centre No. 3:
+ Address: No. 10 Le Hong Phong road, Phuoc Hai ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province.
- Technical Services Centre No. 4:
+ Address : No. 7, National road  52, Truong Tho ward, Thu Duc district, Ho Chi Minh city.​