Areva to construct 6 nuclear power plants in Britain

Thứ hai, 14/1/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7
Areva, the world’s largest nuclear energy corporation of France has given a cheerful reception to the decision which enabling nuclear power companies of new generation to be built which was publicized at the end of the previous week by British Government. Luc Oursel, Production Director of Areva, said that: “The ambition of the Corporation is to construct at least 4 or 6 nuclear power plants in Britain.”
Last month, Mrs. Anne Lauvergeon, the CEO of Areva, revealed that the Corporation would like to take part in one-thirds out of 100-300 nuclear piles which were going to be constructed throughout the world from now to 2030. In June 2007, Areva submitted British authorities the detailed report of the third generation nuclear power plant.
The mentioned move of British Government has been approved by enterprises and organizations, but environmentalists have considered this an unwise and unnecessary decision. The decision has been reached after lobbies called for approval for the plan when 19 nuclear piles in 10 nuclear power plants are going to be closed in 2030. These plants are providing about 19% of power output for Britain.
New nuclear power plants are planned to be constructed by private contractors without support from the Government in order to ensure the power generation’s security in the future and to balance energy resources in the condition of fluctuating prices and long-term gasoline supply.
A German Corporation - E.On, a French Corporation - EDF and the parenting company Centrica of British Gas are all wishing to participate in the plan.
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