US to build two new nuclear power stations

Thứ ba, 23/2/2010 | 14:24 GMT+7
President Barack Obama has announced more than $8bn (£5bn) of federal loan guarantees to begin building the first US nuclear power stations for 30 years.

Two new plants are to be constructed in the state of Georgia by US electricity firm Southern Company.

Mr Obama said the plants will be "safe and clean" and are needed to meet the country's future energy needs.

The president said the project will create "thousands of construction jobs over eight years and then hundreds of well-paid jobs" when the facilities become operational.

He added that it is "only the beginning" of efforts to develop a new generation of safe and clean energy-efficient technologies, which will help fight climate change.

Southern Company said the work will create about 3,000 construction jobs and 850 people will subsequently be permanently employed when the reactors become operational.

There are currently 104 operating nuclear reactors across 31 states in the US, providing about one-fifth of the country's electricity.

Source: VOV News