China: Constructs first nuclear power plant in inner land

Thứ năm, 6/3/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7

China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPG) and Hubei province’s authority, on March 4th, signed an agreement on constructing the first nuclear power plant in the inner land of China.

CGNPG denied unveiling the investment, scale as well as the time to start the construction of the project which is planned to be located in Xianning city, 421km far from Yichang city to the Southeast where there is Three Gorges Dam situated.

China currently has 11 power generating piles in 6 nuclear power companies lying alongside the eastern coastline with the total designed capacity of 9.07 million KW, of which the designed capacity of CGNPG is 3.95 million KW, accounting for 43.5 of the mentioned total capacity.

Facing the shortage of energy resulted from the vigorous economic development, China has decided to continue expanding nuclear power. By 2020, the designed capacity of nuclear power in China will have been 40 million KW, approximately 4% of the entire designed power capacity of the country.

At present, 12 other nuclear power plants have been licensed to be constructed with the total power generating capacity of 12.24 million KW.


Mai Phuong