ZPower Transmission Company No. 3: Be in honour to receive the Third-rank Independent Medal

Thứ tư, 10/4/2013 | 15:35 GMT+7
For memory of 23 years of establishment, Power Transmission Company No. 3 (PTC3) formally and honourly organized a ceremony on receiving a Third- rank Independent Medal – a noble award granted by the State President.

Comrade Le Duong Quang – on behalf of the State president, glued a Medal to the traditional flag of PTC3.

Participating in the ceremony were leader of Ministry of Industry and Trade -  Comrade Le Duong Quang – Vice Minister; leaders of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) including Mr. Pham Le Thanh – President and CEO, Mr. Dang Hoang An – Vice President; Leaders of National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) including Comrade dang Phan Tuong – Chairman of Management Board, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung – President and CEO; the leaders of power sectors and other sectors and the units in provinces of Khanh Hoa, Binh Thuan, Phu Yen, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam Dong, Binh Dinh and Da Lat city.
Changing from Power Transmission Department No. 2 under Power Company No, 3, which was established from 1990 according to decision by Ministry of Energy, with the main tasks on management of basic construction investment of power projects and management of transmission network operation from 66kV upward in the Central and Western Highland areas, PTC 3 was offically established under the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) from April 1st 1995 according to Decision No. 108NL/TCCB-LD by Ministry of Energy. PTC3 has the main functions in management and operation of transmission grid from voltage level of 110kV to 500kV in the South of Central and Western Highland areas.
During 23 years of construction and development, despite of many difficulties and challenges, but with the attention given by Ministry of Industry, EVN, EVNNPT, Party Committee, local authorities of provinces which are managed by PTC3, as well as the coordination and support by other units in power sector and other sectors, the direction of Party Committee, the execution of PTC3’s Board of Directors, the entire staff of PTC3 continuously bring into play the tradition of solidarity as well as the internal forces and strengths to overcome its difficulties to complete well the assigned tasks, ensure the safe and continuous operation of transmission grid, meeting the power demands for socio-economic development and national defence of the region and the whole country.

Since the establishment, the Company has successfully completed the tasks assigned by higher levels, exceeding the planned annual transmission capacity from 15 to 55 days, growth development was from 12 – 17%/year. Not any faults caused by subjective reasons have been occured. By end of 2012, the Company managed totally 2,911km of transmission lines, a capacity of 4,668MVA of transformers, including three 500kV substations and six 220kV substations. The power transmission capacity was 4,642kWh in 2012. Together with the tasks on management and operation of transmission grid, the Company completed well a big load of basic construction projects assigned by the higher levels, including a series of projects such as overload protection, expansion and upgrade of capacity of substations, etc…
With the achievements gained in last 23 years, all leaders and staff of PTC3 honourly are recognized and granted a noble award: Third-class Independent Medal. At the ceremony, in the official and solemn atmosphere, the participants and guests have enjoyed a “home-made performance” which was in good preparation, expressing the creative tradition, internal forces of the Company’s staff. The 20-minutes documentation film “Transmission workers’ footprints” has reminded a 23 year hystorical tradition of construction and development of PTC3 with a lot of difficulties, rise and fall. Overcoming all the challenges, the transmission workers’ footprints are always firm and developed continuously, striving for a secure and continuous transmission of power for a non-stop development of Vietnam’s power sector.
 On behalf of the State President, Comrade Le Duong Quang – Vice Minister of Industry has glued a Third-rank Independent Medal on the trandition flag of the Company. Making a speech at the ceremony, comrade Le Duong Quang  recognized and praised the achievements gained by PTC3’s leaders and staff. He expressed the hope that PTC3 shall continue bringing into play its tradition to gain further achievements in the coming time, contributing to the socio-economic development and national defense in the provinces as well as the industrialization and modernization of the country.

 In this chance, the 500kV Pleiku substation collective has honourly been granted a Second-rank Labour Medal by the State President. the collective and individuals include of Finance and Accounting Division of the Company; Highland Transmission branch; the 220kV Krongbuk substation under DakLak transmisson branch; comrade Hoang Xuan Phong – Party Committee Secretary, PTC3’s Director, comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang – Head of Planning Division who has been granted a Certificate of merit by Prime Minister.
Source: EVNNPT