August commercial electricity output up by over 15pct

Thứ ba, 8/9/2009 | 09:52 GMT+7
Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has reported total commercial electricity output of August all over the system reached 6.776 billion kWh, surging over 15.38 percent from the same period of 2008.

The figure of first eight months was estimated at 47.948 billion kWh, a year-on-year growth of 9.95 percent. In which the electricity supply to production rose by 6.75 percent y-o-y, to management and consumption increased by 12.72 percent.

Last month, EVN produced and purchased total 7.804 billion kWh from outside supplies, up 18.03 percent against 2008, lifting the total figure of Jan-August to 54.904 billion kWh, up 11 percent. In which, EVN imported 2.549 billion kWh from China.

Power production of EVN in Sep will be more difficult with an average output of 260 million kWh a day, maximum capacity of 13,800-14,000 MW.
