Power utility struggles to match demand

Thứ sáu, 24/7/2009 | 08:07 GMT+7
The State-run Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN) is considering ways to increase power supply since demand has surged due to the unseasonable and prolonged hot weather in most parts of the country.

The group has managed to increase supply from 245.7 million kWh a day in the first half of the year to 257 million kWh now but is still unable to meet demand.

Things could worsen because several power plants need to get their turbines repaired, while gas supply to thermal plants has plunged from 5.2 million cubic metres to 1.8 million cu.m.

The inflow of water into reservoirs attached to hydro-electricity plants was 65-82 per cent lower than normal last month.

The water level in the Hoa Binh reservoir in the northern Hoa Binh Province is at 70 per cent of last year’s storage.

In the first half, EVN’s own output and purchase from other producers was 39.3 billion kWh, or 217 million kWh a day but average demand was 245.7 million kWh.

In Ha Noi alone, demand on some hot days peaked at 35 million kWh, leading to power outages in many parts.

Electricity authorities also blamed the shortage on a dilapidated transmission system which often failed to with the load.

The EVN has so far this year commissioned eight new turbines with a total capacity of 1,644 MW and 43 transmission networks to meet the increasing demand in summer.

It urged bidders to speed up construction of hydro-power plants in the central and southern regions, and to install transmission lines on schedule to ensure reliable supply.

Source: Vietnam News