Still cut off power in peak hours

Thứ hai, 29/9/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7
Up to September, the shortage of electricity in peak hours has not been improved and this situation is expected to last to October. Therefore, 11 power plants of The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) still have to set up the schedule of power cut in localities.
EVN, in its latest document reporting power supply to Vietnam Electricity Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Industry and Trade which was dated September 26, affirmed that there is power shortage remaining.
Currently, the average power output of the whole system is still at a high level from 215 to 229 million kWh/day, the peak capacity is 11,000 – 11,500 MW while the feasible capacity of the system is only 10,100 – 10,500 MW.
Power plants run short of 340 – 800 MW of capacity from the final week of September and more seriously of 1,000 – 1,300 MW in night peak hours.
Theo: Labor