Provide additional capacity of 2,736 MW for power network

Thứ tư, 17/6/2009 | 15:20 GMT+7
To date, The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has put 9 generation projects with the entire capacity of 2,736MW into operation, including Ba Ha River hydropower, Pleikrong hydropower, O Mon thermopower, Buon Kuop hydropower, Se San hydropower No.4, Quang Ninh thermopower, Buon Tua Srah hydropower, Hai Phong thermopower No.1 and Ban Ve hydropower. At the same time, EVN has generated 189 power network projects, of which there are five 500 kV projects and twenty-nine 220 kV ones. 

Buon Kuop, one of the projects joining the national power network since early 2009. Photo: Ngoc Ha

Besides, EVN is concentrating on carrying out rural power projects like the Project on Rural Energy – 2nd period (RE II – capital from World Bank - WB), the Project on Rural Distribution (RD – capital from WB), and the Project on Power Supply for 5 Provinces in Tay Nguyen. Currently, EVN is preparing for the project on supplying electricity for 20,000 Khmer citizens in Tra Vinh and households in Dien Bien and Lai Chau and so on.

In the 5 first months, EVN has completed the paperwork to start the construction of 4 generation projects with the total capacity of 3,800 – 4,000 MW, including Nghi Son thermopower (600 MW), Mong Duong thermopower (1,000 MW), Vinh Tan thermopower No.2 (1,200 MW) and Duyen Hai thermopower No.1 (1,000 – 1,200 MW). Also, EVN is going to start constructing 185 power network projects ranging from 110 kV to 500 kV.

Thanh Mai