2008: Possibly put only 26 small and medium-sized hydropower projects into operation

Thứ năm, 6/11/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7
By 2007, there had been 23 small-sized hydropower projects generating with the total capacity of 416 MW throughout the country. Just in 2007, there were 11 power generating projects with the entire capacity of 156 MW.

In 2008, 26 small and medium-sized hydropower projects may be put into operation with the total capacity of 198 MW. When compared to 2008’s plan of putting 39 projects with the total capacity of 416 MW into action, there are 13 ones with the total capacity of 218 MW that are falling behind the schedule.

This is mainly resulted from the economic problems such as inflation, high interest rate, high construction material prices and so on.

As estimated, in 2009, there will be 23 small and medium-sized projects with the total capacity being put into operation.

Theo: Thanh Mai