To reach this target, Hanoi Power Company is concentrating on upgrading the 6 kV and 10 kV medium voltage power network to the voltage level of 22 kV, improving 110 kV power networks, constructing transformer substations and enhancing the old rural power networks in 64 suburban communes which were already recognized in 2007. At the same time, the Company is carrying out the installation of the compensating capacitor and planning for the installation of compensating capacitor for the next years to 2010, which helps the company actively prepare equipment and materials for the work. Moreover, the Company will boost the periodical examination and replacement of measuring devices in the spring head, the recovery of ruined meters and the prevention of electricity rip-off. In addition, another solution which lessens the power loss is to push up the applying of communication and information technology in management, new technologies in index recording work and meter management as well as two management systems used for measuring devices and power loss.
According to Hanoi Power Company, in 2007, due to the Hanoi’s power loss of 8.84%, Hanoi Power Company suffered from the loss of more than VND 31 billion in this year alone.
Nguyen Kim Anh