Buon Tua Srah hydro-electric power plant joins national grid

Thứ tư, 9/9/2009 | 16:39 GMT+7
The first turbine of the Buon Tua Srah hydro-electric power plant officially joined the national grid on September 7 after seven days on idle operation.

The construction of the VND 3,900 billion plant was kicked off on November 25, 2004 by the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN). The plant includes two turbines with a total capacity of 86 MW and is expected to generate an annual electricity output of 430 million kWh.

The plant is located in Quang Phu commune, Krong No district, Dac Nong province.

As scheduled, the second turbine of the Buon Tua Srah plant will be put into operation in early December, 2009.

Source: Nhandan.com.vn