Rao Quan hydropower receives VND 1 – 1.5 billion each day

Thứ hai, 7/1/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7

Rao Quan hydropower project (in Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province) which has 2 power generation units with the total rated capacity of 64 MW (64,000 KW) joined the national power network on December 4th 2007.

To date, after more than one month of operation, Rao Quan hydropower has supplied on average 1.5 million kWh a day. Accordingly, the power plant brought about VND 1 – 1.5 billion for the State each day.

With the above capacity and the continuous operation throughout the year, Rao Quan hydropower is able to provide power for production and everyday life’s activities in Quang Tri province from now to 2010 if the consumption level does not exceed 500 million kWh.

From VTC