Uong Bi Thermal Power exceeds 10% of installed capacity

Thứ hai, 26/11/2007 | 00:00 GMT+7

As unveiled by the Project Management Board (PMB) of Uong Bi thermal power company, after one month of stable operation at the capacity level of 270 MW- 290MW, engineers and experts of Viet Nam Machinery Installation Corporation (Lilama) had raised the capacity of the company to the installed level of 300 MW. Stably retaining this capacity in 6 hours, engineers and experts continued to experimentally generate at the capacity of 330 MW, which exceeded the installed capacity by 10%. This capacity was also remained steady in 3 hours before turning down to the initial installed capacity.

Estimated by experts, in the whole period of generating in the 2 levels of capacity, the operation factors of the unit and steam boiler such as temperature, pressure, and steam discharge, etc. are all constant and meet the designed requirements. At present, the company are still keeping hold of the stable of power generation capacity from 90% to 100% of the installed capacity (270 MW – 300 MW) and providing the national power network with 6.5 – 7 million kWh a day.
Uong Bi thermal power extension has marked the success of Lilama in the role of EPC general contractor in a large-scale and complicated project.
Mai Phuong