Son La-Hiep Hoa grid up, ready for action

Thứ năm, 5/4/2012 | 13:44 GMT+7
The Viet Nam National Power Transmission Corporation completed the 500kV Son La-Hiep Hoa electrical grid last Saturday night, which would connect the Son La hydro-power plant and others in northwestern region to the national grid.

The nearly 270-km-long grid is one of eight projects to expand the power transmission network in the north, running through 17 districts and towns in five northern provinces of Son La, Phu Tho, Vinh Phuc, Thai Nguyen and Bac Giang. Over VND2.8 trillion ($133 million) was invested in the project.

Electricity of Viet Nam (EVN) is set to put the fifth turbine in Son La Hydro Power Plant into operation later this month to add to the supply during the dry season, a peak time for power shortages in Viet Nam.